Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Become A Coach

Helping others achieve excellence is a noble goal, and is really at the heart of any kind of performance sports instruction. However, excellent instruction is about more than just knowing how to spot excellence: especially if you intend to work with children or youth, you will serve as an inspirational figure and a role model. You will be equal parts instructor and figure for emulation. Are you prepared for that?
Is Sports Your Passion?
You should always be passionate about what you are doing. If you're not highly interested in sports, that will translate to the people that you are helping. They'll become less passionate as a result, and won't be as excited. This is especially problematic for youth; without your encouragement, they may abandon even the most excited passion as they grow.
Are You Experienced?
Jumping right into a position helping children is unwise. It is best to start off by studying and working underneath another leader whom you admire. Watch how he or she interacts with students and team members. Observe the techniques they use to help inspire confidence, excellence, and personal growth. After you've seen these firsthand, you're ready to start thinking about taking on the responsibility for creating them in yourself.
Are You Ready To Be A Role Model?
Children will look up to you. You need to be aware of that before you sign on to become a coach, and you need to be confident that you have the kind of positive attitude that is required to be the right kind of role model. A lot of people think they can become a coach and then neglect their own personal growth. In fact, it's absolutely vital that you continue developing so that you can put your best foot forward for the people you are helping become excellent. If you are struggling, a leadership workshop may help you develop the qualities necessary to become what the children need.
Can You Help Kids Improve?
In order to become a coach, you need to know how to teach others. You may be excellent at a sport yourself, but be weak when it comes to actually instructing others and helping them change their behaviors to improve their game. Try out some of your techniques on friends or family before you become a coach. If you're having trouble, consider attending a leadership workshop to get some ideas.
Do You Have The Patience?
Successfully helping others improve requires an almost limitless supply of patience. You need to be willing and able to tolerate many mistakes, and to calmly help others overcome blocks and confusion within themselves. Frustration and anger don't help anyone, but recognizing that fact can be very difficult. A leadership workshop can help you hone your interactions to assist your team with development without becoming frustrated with them.
If you've considered all of these questions and still feel that you are ready to become a coach, consider starting the process. Someone who adheres to all of these guidelines will be better prepared to positively influence the lives of the people on his or her team, helping them become the best players and the best people possible.

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